
My Love For Lightbox

Lightbox.com shirt My custom-made Lightbox shirt

There once was an app I just fell in love with.  It gave me such encouragement and inspiration to a point that it almost felt like an obsession.  Its name was Lighbox. 

I am in fact referring to it as a past tense for, like most good things, this one had to come to an end.

Lightbox was a photo sharing app on Android phones though it had a PC version, Lightbox.com, as well.  I discovered it one day in February 2012 and, naturally, I uploaded and shared food photos.

In 48 Hours!

I got 191 followers in 48 hours which was quite an achievement so I made an homage for everybody, as seen on the left.  I then carried on posting to as much as 10 photos a day of pictures I specifically made for all my followers/fans. I got nothing but rave comments and likes within just minutes of upload. Such gratification only fuelled my passion to show what I was capable of and I really wanted to highlight Filipino dishes that most people never even new existed. This made me so proud because I was getting comments from all over the world.  I had followers all over UK, America, Korea, Australia, Germany, Japan, Cuba, Mexico, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Africa, Portugal, Malaysia, all around the Philippines, etc.  As in, literally, around the world in 6 continents (excluding Antartica - or maybe not). I got added to Lightbox's Food & Living category because I got that much attention and Lightbox community managers took notice. 

Anybody who has an Android phone could have easily installed the Lightbox app and create an account. You then take pictures using the phone's camera and upload them instantly. Nearing the end of it, I had 3,722 followers, uploaded 124 photos and gained several new friends.

The saddest bit of news hit me when Lightbox announced that they will be joining Facebook a month from May and all Lightboxers were encouraged to download all their uploaded photos for there was uncertainty involved with this venture.

These photos are the remnants of my crowning achievement of this worldwide phenomenon which ended prematurely. I feel so proud that I had that much passion, not just cooking all these food myself, but taking really good (amateur-ish) photographs after - using nothing else than my mobile phone camera.

Thank you Lightbox. I dedicate this page to you and all my followers. You will always be in my heart.

Please enjoy.


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